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Statement of condemnation of the crime of targeting the aircraft of the Saudi- UAE – American…
in new series of crimes committed by the Saudi-UAE-American coalition against innocent civilians, where the coalition aircraft launched Saturday morning, 30 December 2017, several air raids, targeted a farm in the area of Katabah in the…
Statement of condemnation of the crime of targeting the aircraft of the Saudi-UAE-US alliance for…
in new series of crimes committed by the Saudi-UAE-American coalition against innocent civilians, where the coalition aircraft launched noon on Tuesday, December 26th 2017, several air raids, targeted market shuhra Director of Taeizu in…
Statement of condemnation of crime of targeting of coalition aircraft the Saudi-UAE-American for…
in new series of crimes committed by the Saudi-UAE-American coalition against innocent civilians, where the coalition aircraft launched, on Saturday evening, December 23, 2017, several air strikes, targeted market and university in the…
Statement of condemnation of crimes of targeting the aircraft the Saudi-UAE-American for a civilians…
new series of crimes committed by the Saudi-UAE-American coalition against innocent civilians, where airline Alliance launched, today Friday 15 December 2017, several air strikes, new series of crimes committed by the Saudi-UAE-American…
Statement of condemnation regarding the targeting of the coalition aircraft satellite Yemen
The continuation of the systematic destruction of the infrastructure by the coalition countries through the bombing of vital installations, where the aircraft launched the Saudi-UAE-US alliance on Friday, December 8, 2017, an air strike on…
Statement of condemnation regarding the targeting of the aviation alliance for Sana’a airport…
As a continuation of the systematic destruction of the infrastructure carried out by the coalition countries through the bombing of vital installations, where aircraft launched the Saudi Emirates American alliance on Tuesday morning,…
Statement Condemning the for crime of the Saudi- Emirate- American Coalition by targeting and…
In a new hideous massacre committed by the aircraft of the Saudi-American alliance against innocent civilians, where the aircraft launched aggression evening, Tuesday, November 7, 2017, several air strikes, It targeted the homes of…
A statement of condemnation regarding the targeting of a hotel and several civilian shops at A-laf…
I In a new hideous massacre committed by the aircraft of the Saudi-American alliance against innocent civilians, where the aircraft launched aggression Dawn, On Wednesday, 1 November 2017, several air strikes, targeted a pop hotels and…
Statement of condemnation of crimes of targeting the aircraft the Saudi-UAE-American of home of…
new series of crimes committed by the Saudi-UAE-American coalition against innocent citizens, where coalition aircraft launched evening, on Tuesday, 17 October 2017, several air raids, Targeted House Citizen Department Rehob in aljawf…
Statement of condemnation of crimes of targeting the aircraft the Saudi-UAE-American for an…
new series of crimes committed by the Saudi-UAE-American coalition against innocent citizens, where the alliance launched an era, today, 17 October 2017, Several air raids, targeted agricultural refrigerator Alajamlh area of the Department…