Civil society of Development and Freedoms

A child and her father injured in Saudi bombing of Saada

اصيبت ابنة ووالدها فى وقت مبكر من يوم السبت بعد تفجير سعودي استهدف ضاهر فى محافظة صعدة الشمالية. توفي طفل مع والدها كضحايا جرحى بسبب الهجمات الصاروخية والمدفعية السعودية على منزل العائلة في المنطقة المذكورة أعلاه ، حسبما أفاد مصدر محلي…

Making Yemen’s Humanitarian Catastrophe Even Worse

Washington Post calls Trump administration to pressure the Saudi coalition to stop its attack on the port of Hodeidah: The worst humanitarian crisis in the world may be about to become much worse. In Yemen, where some 8 million people are…

The French Senate Warns of Danger in Marib

A French Senate delegation on Thursday warned of a "catastrophic" situation in the Yemeni city of Marib, making the planned humanitarian conference at the end of June in Paris more necessary than ever. Natalie Jelle, who provided the…