Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Workshop on international humanitarian law launched in Sanaa

A training workshop on international humanitarian law started in Sanaa on Sunday, organized by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and the Diplomatic Institute at the Ministry of…

Al-Bukhiti reveals coming war different from previous wars

Member of the Political Bureau of Ansarullah, Mohammed Al-Bukhaiti, revealed a coming war, which is different from  previous wars. Al-Bukhaiti said in his on Twitter account: “We would like to reach an agreement that leads to lifting the…

Isreali occupation launches air strikes on Gaza

Israeli occupation warplanes at dawn on Monday launched a series of raids on Palestinian resistance sites in the Gaza Strip. The aircraft attacked a site and a land in the Sheikh Ajlin neighborhood, southwest of Gaza City, with about 10…

Citizen wounded by Saudi fire on Saada

One citizen was   injured by Saudi army fires in Saada province, northern Yemen on Monday, a security source told Yemen Press Agency. According to the source, the citizen was injured in Shada brother district. This comes in the…

4.9-magnitude earthquake strikes off Fukushima in Japan

Japan’s National Meteorological Office reported an earthquake measuring 4.9 on the Richter scale on Monday near the coast of Japan’s Fukushima Prefecture. The epicenter of the earthquake is 60 kilometers below the ocean floor, the office…

Yemeni community in Germany condemns burning of Holy Quran

Members of the Yemeni community in northern Germany organized a vigil outside the Swedish consulate in Hamburg to protest the crime of burning a copy of the Holy Quran. The statement of the vigil, which was organized on Saturday,…

Angry protests in Shabwa extend from Radhom to Bayhan

The scope of local protests has expanded in Yemen’s eastern province of Shabwa, controlled by the Saudi-led coalition militia, which has been witnessing security chaos and a complete absence of state authorities since the beginning of 2016.…

Wave of cold frosts destroy agricultural crops in Bayda

A wave of cold frosts ended on Saturday agricultural crops in Radaa area of Bayda Province in central Yemen. According to local residents, a large frost wave hit agricultural crops in al-Riashiyah areas, the most severe of which was in…