Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Not only cholera but diphtheria also outbreak in Yemen

A diphtheria outbreak has killed 35 people in war-torn Yemen, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In a statement on Monday, WHO said 300 suspected cases of diphtheria have been reported in 15 of Yemen’s 23 provinces. Ibb…

At least 54 civilians killed ,in less than 24 hours,in Yemen

US-Saudi  coalition continued carriying out air strikes against Yemeni civilians in the villages and markets across Yemen over the past few hours, killing at least 54 civilians, mostly women and children and wounding 19 others, officials…

Ten Yemeni Women killed Shortly Before

Ten Yemeni women were killed on Sunday in a new massacre of the US-Saudi coalition that targeted a wedding procession in al-Hassan neighborhood in Harib al-Qaramish in Marib province. A security source told AFP that coalition warplanes…