Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Foreign Minister meets Director of Special Envoy Office ​of Secretary-General for Yemen

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, Jamal Ahmed Amer, held discussions with Mohammed Al-Ghannam, the Director of the Office of the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General to Yemen, on various aspects of cooperation between the Ministry and the Office of the Special Envoy.

During the meeting, Minister Amer emphasized Sana’a’s steadfast stance against any efforts to associate the completion of the political settlement roadmap in Yemen with the occurrences in the Red Sea, affirming that there is no connection or conciliation between the two.

He pointed out that Sanaa’s support for the actions of resistance and jihad movements in the Gaza Strip represents the human conscience towards the war crimes and genocide committed by the Zionist entity against the Palestinian citizen in its territory.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates pointed out that Sanaa is open to the peace process and supports all good offices to end the military aggression and the comprehensive blockade, adding, “Sana’a has presented many unilateral initiatives, including the reopening of many roads between the governorates as well as openness in the prisoners’ file, but obstruction always comes from the other party.”

He stressed that Sana’a’s decision towards peace is independent and sovereign for the Republic of Yemen and its revolutionary and political leadership and does not accept that any external opinion or dictates are imposed on it.

For his part, the Director of the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Yemen in Sana’a Al-Ghannam said that the United Nations continues its good offices to reach a comprehensive political settlement in Yemen.

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