Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Aden Governor Hails Recent Humanitarian Economic Agreement as a Victory for the Yemeni People

The Governor of Aden, Tariq Mustafa Sallam, affirmed that the recent humanitarian economic agreement represents a victory for the steadfast and authentic Yemeni people in all regions, whether in the South, North, East, or West.

Sallam explained in a statement to Almasirah on Wednesday, that this agreement was a victory for the Yemeni economy and the forgotten humanity, indicating that it aims to improve the conditions of citizens who are suffering from the repercussions of political corruption and the unjust economic war.

He stressed that the agreement seeks to address the high prices and financial inflation that affect the livelihood of the Yemeni citizen.

Sallam pointed out that the agreement reflects the unity of the political forces in Yemen in supporting the simple citizen, stressing that the only victor in this agreement is the Yemeni people.

He raised a question about the necessity of distancing oneself from politicization in such humanitarian issues, emphasizing that the goal is to improve the lives of citizens and alleviate their suffering.

He added that the agreement represents an important step towards strengthening social and economic security and reflects the commitment of all political parties to support the Yemeni people in facing economic challenges.

On Tuesday, Mohammed Abdulsalam, head of the National Delegation, announced an agreement between Yemen and Saudi Arabia to tackle humanitarian and economic issues.

The agreement cancels recent banking measures, resumes Yemeni Airlines flights to Jordan, and plans for daily flights to Cairo and India. It also initiates meetings to discuss economic and humanitarian concerns and address challenges facing Yemeni Airlines.

This development follows a period of escalatory actions by Saudi Arabia, which included targeting Yemen’s economy and obstructing humanitarian agreements, reportedly influenced by the United States. The aim of this escalation is to deter Yemen from supporting Palestinians facing genocide in the Gaza Strip.

The agreement responds to warnings from Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi, Leader of the Revolution, against worsening the economic conditions of Yemeni citizens, who have suffered for ten years due to US-Saudi aggression. Sayyed Abdulmalik has established an equation of “airport for airport, port for port, and bank for bank.”

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