Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Procedures by Standards Authority to implement decision to ban & boycott products of companies that support Zionist entity

The Yemeni Authority for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control prepared an implementation matrix for the decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to ban and boycott the products of companies that support the Zionist entity.

The Director General of the Authority, Sam Al-Bashiri, explained that the Authority directed all its branches and offices in the provinces, ports, and customs centers to prevent the entry of any products of American companies that support the Zionist entity, according to the preliminary list of prohibited companies issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

He pointed out that the matrix includes consumer awareness and education programs about the importance of boycott, introducing alternatives to banned products, and boycotting companies that support the Zionist entity.

Al-Bashiri stressed that the boycott decisions actually began on the ground in implementation the decisions of the Minister of Industry and Trade to boycott American goods and companies that support the usurping entity.

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