Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Al-Hamli & Al-Bakhiti meet Firnas Shuman Consulting Company team in electricity generation field

The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation, Ibrahim Al-Hamli, and the Minister of Electricity and Energy, Dr. Muhammad Al-Bukhaiti, met today ,Thursday, with the team of Firnas Shuman Company, a global consultancy working in the field of electricity generation and renewable energy.

The meeting discussed aspects related to the involvement of experts and consultants in the preparation of studies on renewable energy projects in Yemen.

In the meeting, the Secretary-General of the Humanitarian Affairs Council affirmed his keenness to implement development projects in the field of energy and electricity, to contribute to improving electricity services, especially in light of the worst humanitarian crisis in the world that Yemen is going through as a result of the aggression and blockade.

For his part, Al-Bukhaiti pointed out the importance of involving experts and consultants with scientific competencies in preparing studies for renewable energy projects in Yemen, to ensure the development of the electricity sector and achieve sustainability in the field of energy.

He stressed the importance of integrating efforts and working in a team spirit to alleviate the citizens’ suffering in light of the current conditions the country is going through.

The meeting was attended by the Assistant Undersecretary for the Planning and Projects Sector at the Ministry of Electricity, Eng. Ahmed Al-Mutawakil, Head of the International Cooperation Department of the Council for Humanitarian Affairs Faisal Modhesh, Director of UN Organizations in the Council, Turki Jamil, and Director of Renewable Energy, Muhammad Al-Talou’.

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