Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Federation of Chambers of Commerce rejects mercenary government’s decision to raise tax fees

The General Federation of Yemeni Chambers of Commerce and Industry and the Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the capital Sana’a and in the free provinces on Tuesday strongly condemned the mercenary government’s decision to raise tax fees.

The Federation and the Chambers of Commerce warned of the serious consequences of the decision of the Minister of Finance of the mercenary government, regarding amending the schedules of the executive regulations of the income tax law, according to which the imposition of collecting additional amounts under the income tax account at a rate of 3 percent and an increase of 200 percent in the income tax on importers through customs outlets, which will have results negative effects on trade, investment and economic activity in the country and high costs for consumers.

The General Federation and the Chambers of Commerce confirmed in a statement that these unfair tax measures will increase the burden on consumers, which is a violation of the constitution and social protection laws in the country and exposes citizens, producers and economic activity to immeasurable dangers.

It also stressed that proceeding with the implementation of this decision will lead to a doubling of poverty and famine rates and damage to the movement of internal trade and commodity supply to all provinces.

The Federation and the Yemeni Chambers of Commerce and Industry announced their rejection of this decision, calling on the United Nations and international economic organizations to intervene and pressure to cancel it urgently and without delay.

The statement also called on all merchants to freeze the opening of any customs clearance investments until this dangerous decision is cancelled.

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