Reflecting on US-Saudi Unforgeable Massacres, Holocaust Continues in Yemen
Seven years of futile war on Yemen have passed, and the US-Saudi coalition continues to commit massacres against thousands of defenseless civilians, targets children, steals wealth, brutally destroys homes, markets and infrastructure, and imposes a land, sea and air blockade to rob all Yemenis.
In the latest reports of the number of Yemeni victims as a result of the Saudi aggression which were issued on January 25, 2022, the Minister of Public Health and Population in the Sana’a government, dr. Taha Al-Mutawakel, announced that the number of victims reached 47,000, between martyrs and wounded, adding that the coalition’s crimes against the Yemeni people would be “a disgrace to the United Nations, its organizations and the international community.”
Since the beginning of the aggression, the Yemeni children have been subjected to various types of violations, from killing, detention in the prisons of the aggression, and being deprived of their schools and health care, which has led to diseases, epidemics and deformities, as well as various psychological effects, despite The Geneva Convention of 1949 and its Additional Protocols of 1977 which set out rules protecting children.
According to the statistics of “Entesaf” Organization for Women and Children’s Rights, there were about 600,000 premature infants who needed fuel to run nurseries and keep them alive, and “more than 400,000 Yemeni children are suffering from severe malnutrition, 80,000 of them are threatened with death,” noting that “out of 1,000 births, more than 27 children die annually.”
The organization confirmed that “more than 3,000 children have heart defects,” explaining that “the coalition countries have prohibited the introduction of electrical devices for heart patients, and thousands of patients face the risk of death as a result of this.”
The coalition of aggression does not hesitate in its crimes to bomb schools and target hospitals, so that Yemenis are afraid of sending their children to schools or transferring them to hospitals if they need hospitalization.

The little girl Buthaina was a symbol of the war in Yemen. On August 25, 2017, the US-Saudi aggression committed a massacre in the Faj Attan neighborhood, southwest of the capital, Sanaa, in which 8-year-old girl Buthaina Al-Raymi lost her parents, uncle, four sisters and a brother.
The picture of Buthaina trying to open her injured right eye, while swelling and blood closed her left eye, swept social media and media sites.
The crime of the Saudi coalition did not end here. Saudi Arabia kidnapped the girl, after it had deceived her uncle through an institution, claiming that she would film with them a documentary about peace.
Al-Falah School Massacre
On January 10, 2017, US-Saudi warplanes bombed Al Falah Elementary School in Nihm District, northeast of the capital, Sanaa. Three children were killed , including the little girl Ishraq Al-Maafa, who was lying on the ground in her school uniform, with her school bag next to her. In addition, three other civilians were killed, and four other children were wounded.
A Child Clings to His ‘Killed’ Father Body
On April 22, 2018, Saudi coalition warplanes launched an airstrike on the wedding party in Hajjah governorate, killing more than 30 civilians, most of them are women and children, and preventing the families and medical staff from treating the victims.
School-Bus Students Massacre
On August 9, 2018, the US-Saudi warplanes bombed a school bus in a crowded market in Sa’adah Governorate, killing and injuring more than 120 children. A picture of the school bags that the children were wearing was widely spread in the social media, and they bore the logo of the “UNICEF” organization.
In the wake of this massacre, US lawmakers demanded an investigation into the Pentagon’s role in supporting the Saudi coalition’s operations in Yemen. And the American “CNN” network reported that the missile used by Saudi Arabia is an American-made, weighing 227 kilograms, guided by laser beams, and it is part of the arms deal approved by the US State Department for Saudi Arabia.
Fatus of Hodeidah

Like children, the violations against women were great, and they included all kinds of violations, from killing, wounding and capturing, to starvation, displacement and deprivation of the basics of life such as food and health care. Over the years of the aggression, humanitarian and human rights organizations have documented a large number of these violations.
Some of the violations were monitored by the Yemeni organization “Entesaf”, which it announced last year.
In March 2021, the organization documented the violations committed by the US-Saudi coalition forces against Yemeni women, and indicated that 2,394 women were killed and 2,804 others were wounded by US-Saudi airstrikes.
The violations were not limited to killing and injury, but many cases of rape were documented, as the organization documented “456 women and children were raped, while 423 women were kidnapped”, with an incomplete and rising result.
The human rights organization announced in a press conference at the headquarters of the Yemeni Foreign Ministry in Sana’a that “the West Coast region, which is under the control of the UAE-backed forces, witnessed 685 crimes, including 132 crimes of rape.”
The Most Prominent Massacres Against Civilians: Attan, Repeated Massacres
On April 20, 2015, the US-Saudi aggression targeted the Attan neighborhood in the capital, Sanaa, with a bomb supplied with depleted uranium, which was dropped by an American stealth warplane on residential neighborhoods in the Faj Attan area, killing at least 84 civilians and 364 wounded in a wide population area that extends over more than 3 square kilometers. causing massive damage to homes, buildings, government facilities and private properties in the area.
In August 2017, the aggression targeted civilian homes in the same neighborhood, killing 14 Yemenis, including women and children. It had admitted that it launched the raid, and claimed that the civilian target had been hit because of a technical error.
Noqum Horrific Massacre
On May 12, 2015, the US-Saudi warplanes launched a barbaric aggression on the residential neighborhood of Noqum in Sana’a with several direct raids, using high-explosive gas and phosphorous bombs, killing and wounding more than 400 Yemenis.
On September 28, 2015, the aggression directly and deliberately targeted a wedding party in the Mocha in Taiz governorate, killing more than 135 citizens, most of them women and children, and injuring dozens others.
A Funeral Hall Bombed in Sana’a
On October 8, 2016, the aggression committed a massacre by targeting the funeral hall of the Al-Ruwaishan family in the capital, Sana’a, which led to the death and injury of more than 750 people who were performing their condolences.
Another Funeral Targeted in Arhab
On February 15, 2017, the aggression committed a brutal massacre in Arhab District, in Sana’a Governorate, by directly targeting a funeral gathering, killing and injuring dozens, including women and children.
Targeting Women’s Gathering in Harib
On December 17, 2017, the aggression’s warplanes directly targeted a convoy of women in the Hessan area of the Harib al-Qarameesh district in the Marib governorate, while they were returning on foot from a wedding party in the same area, killing 12 women.
Wedding Party Massacre in Hajjah
On April 22, 2018, US-Saudi warplanes targeted a wedding party in Bani Qais District in Hajjah Governorate, killing more than 90 people, including a large number of children.
Al Mahwit Family Massacre
In December 2021, the aggression carried out a massacre that claimed the life of the Al-Houry family in the city of Al-Mahwit, as the coalition’s aerial bombardment targeted the residence of the Telecommunications Corporation’s guard, killing a child and a woman and injuring 8 other members of one family.
Libby Neighborhood Massacre in Sanaa
On January 17, 2022, US-Saudi warplanes targeted a citizen house in the Libby neighborhood, west of the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, killing at least 29 people, including the director of the College of Aviation and Air Defense, Brigadier General Pilot Abdullah Qassem Al-Junaid, with his family members.
The Holocaust of Prison in Sa’adah
On January 21, 2022, the aggression’s warplanes, a few days after perpetrating a massacre in the Libby neighborhood, committed a holocaust by targeting a prison in Sa’adah, killing at least 91 and injuring 263, in the latest outcome of the aggression announced by the Minister of Public Health and Population, Taha Al-Mutawakel.
Cluster Bombs: a Long-Term Invisible Killer
With all the military arsenal used by Saudi Arabia and its alliance against Yemenis, a large part of which affects children, it did not hesitate to use cluster bombs that have a long-range impact and targeting, and their effects may not end for many years, killing and causing injuries and disabilities.
The Executive Center for Mine Action in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, confirmed that the US-Saudi aggression targeted 9 Yemeni governorates with more than 2,500 raids that used cluster bombs, and this was supplemented by preventing the introduction of special devices to detect remnants of aerial bombardment and cluster bombs.