Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Bakeries Closed Amid Wheat Price Rising, Occupied Aden

Bakeries in occupied Aden closed their doors, with the rising of wheat cost to about $2 per kilo for the first time in its history, which exacerbated the suffering of people in the governorates under pro-aggression government control.

The state of popular upheaval in Aden escalated, with bakeries closing their doors in protest against this huge rise, which negatively affected them and their production capacity.

This rise came as a result of the continuous collapse of the local currency in the occupied governorates, which exceeded 1540 riyals per dollar, which directly affected all prices of consumer and other products in Aden and the governorates under the control of the US-Saudi aggression.

According to observers, the insane rise in prices will trigger a hungry revolution, as a result of the citizens’ inability to provide a livelihood for their families while not settling their conditions in parallel with the rise in prices and the collapse of the currency.

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