Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Mercenaries shelling injures 7 civilians in Taiz

7 citizens, including a woman, were injured on Saturday evening by the US-Saudi aggression’s mercenaries’ shelling on residential neighborhoods in Salah district in Taiz province.


An official in the local authority said three mortar shells were fired by the mercenaries towards residential neighborhoods in al-Qasr, al-Jumlah and al-Sallal areas in Salah causing the injured of the 7 citizens, including the woman, one of them seriously injured.


The official confirmed that the injured were taken to the hospital to receive treatment amid a lack of medical supplies due to the continued aggression and siege on Yemen.


He pointed out the mercenaries’ shells also destroyed a bus and a motorbike and damaged their homes and properties.


The official condemned the heinous crime committed by the mercenaries in a densely populated neighborhood, which is added to the series of mercenaries’ crimes against civilians in the province.


He noted the mercenaries continue to target residential neighborhoods in Taiz in a hysterical manner, which causes civilian casualties and injuries.

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