Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Deputy Foreign Minister: British People Should Stop their Government’s Policies towards Yemen

The Deputy Foreign Minister in the Salvation Government, Hussein Al-Ezzi, denounced, Wednesday, the statements of the British Ambassador to Yemen, saying that they are not credible statements and contribute to the Yemeni people’s suffering.


Al-Ezzi said on Twitter “The British ambassador’s statements lack credibility and aim to make his country’s government participate in misleading British public opinion and escaping from the consequences of its negative stances that contributed to prolonging the Yemeni people’s suffering.”


He added that the statements “express a miserable attempt to conceal the recent scandal of (Al Qaeda) and (ISIS) as being part of the false legitimacy recognized by Britain.”


He also called on British people to put an end to the policies of their government towards Sana’a, considering that they stand firmly behind all the suffering of the Yemeni people and continue its ugly bias towards an illegitimate government that does not express Yemenis but expresses only a mixture of corrupt. He considered such attitudes unworthy of a great people like the British people.

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