Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Yemen Media Union condemns hacking of Saba News Agency

The Yemeni media union condemned the hacking of the Yemeni News Agency Saba on Monday June 17th by unknown parties that posted false and untrue information.

According to a report obtained by the Yemeni Media Union, the engineering team of the Yemeni news agency Saba managed to restore the agency’s website after being hacked by pirates belonging to Saudi-led aggression who published false news about an interview with President of the Supreme Political Council, Mahdi al-Mashat.

The Yemeni Media Union considered the attempt to hack the official news agency and spread false news in order to provoke public opinion as a failed attempt which demonstrates the strength and effectiveness of the national media institutions in exposing the crimes and violations committed by the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition against the Yemeni people, as well as showing the victories of the army and popular Committees on various fronts.

The attack confirms the inability of the media arsenal belonging to the aggression coalition to stand against the real victories of the Yemeni people militarily and in the media, the statement read

The YMU called on all international and local organisations concerned with rights and freedoms to solidarity with the Yemeni news agency Saba and condemn the piracy and hacking of its site.

The union praised the role of Yemeni journalists in confronting the challenges faced by Yemen over the past four years of siege and aggression with the honest word, voice and image of truthful reporting.



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