Civil society of Development and Freedoms

US, Britain Unwilling To End War In Yemen

The Russian expert in Center for Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Institute of Oriental Studies Sergei Serebrov said that, for example, in April, the US Congress decided to ban military cooperation with the war parties in Yemen, but US President Donald Trump vetoed the decision.

‘It is evident that Washington officials are interested in continuing the war in Yemen because they have great benefits,’ Serebrov noted.

The experts underlined that Saudi Arabia suffered heavy losses and casualties from its strategic mistake in Yemen.

He said that Saudi Arabia does not release a major portion of the casualties and losses caused by the Yemeni conflict, but it is quite clear that the country entered the war with wrong calculation and for four years it was paying the price for its strategic mistake.

The Russian expert said Saudi Arabia is among the countries that have suffered heavy casualties in the Yemeni conflict and ruined its international image to launch an unequal war.
He went on to say, ‘So, it would be in Saudi Arabia’s interest to end the war as soon as possible in Yemen.

Serebrov, elsewhere in his remark reacted to the criticism by Britain, the United States and Saudi Arabia for Iran’s role in the Yemeni war, saying Iran is not playing an active role in the conflict in Yemen, and the claim that there is a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia in Yemen is baseless.

On March 26, 2015, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates launched a massive assault on Yemen, the poorest Arab state, in a coalition with several Arab countries and with the help of the US, on the pretext of restoring Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi, the resigned president of the country, to power, to fulfill their political goals and intentions.

As a result of this aggression, more than 100,000 Yemenis, including 85,000 children have died, most of them killed by hunger and famine due to the war imposed by the coalition.


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