Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Do You Remember Butheina? Saudi Intelligence Kidnapped Her From Sana`a

Bataina Mohammed Mansour al-Rimi, who became a symbol of the forgotten war in Yemen, was kidnapped by smart Saudi Arabia by an organization called Sama on Monday.

Buhaina, a survivor After a Saudi air strike destroyed her home, her images, which attempt to open her eyes, have become contagious to social media outlets. Hundreds of people have posted their own photos in solidarity with the young girl.

A man carrying Buthaina Mohammed Mansour, believed to be 4 or 5, was rescued from an air strike site that killed eight members of her family in Sanaa, Yemen. Credit Khaled Abdullah / Reuters

Buthaina Mohammed Mansour, believed to be 4 or 5 years old, sits on a bed in a hospital after she survived an air strike led by Saudi Arabia. Credit Khaled Abdullah / Reuters
Later, Buthaina appeared alongside a Saudi officer in an office inside Saudi territory.
 صورة لبتينة بجوار ضابط سعودي في مكتب داخل الأراضي السعودية ، 2017 ، يمنإكسترا

Picture of Leptina next to a Saudi officer in an office inside Saudi territory, 2017, YemenExtra
“There was a person named Fouad Thabit al-Mansouri who came to our institution as a director to produce the Bouhaina film,” Sama Ahmed, president of the Sama Human Foundation, told the press conference.

“We went to Sanban, where two air raids by the Saudi-led coalition killed at least 15 civilians and injured 25 others at a wedding in 2015 to photograph them,” she said.

وقال رئيس مؤسسة سما الإنسانية ، سما أحمد ، تفاصيل الخطف في مؤتمر صحفي ، 2017 ، YemenExtra.
Sama Ahmed, head of the Sama Humanitarian Foundation, said the details of the kidnapping were at a news conference
“I went with them, first we visited her destroyed house in the Atan district, then decided to move to Sanban in Dhamar, then they asked to go on a tourist visit to the Admet district.”

“In Damet, Fouad asked to go on a visit to his family near the place, but they found that he was ambushed, brought them to the point of the Saudi forces, and reached Buthaina and his family to Saudi armored vehicles.

“Two days later, I was transferred from Aden to Dhamar and continued my trip to Sanaa and informed the competent authorities,” said the head of SAMA.

The United Nations reported in January that nearly 10,000 civilians had been killed and about 40,000 wounded by air strikes and ongoing violence.

"فؤاد ثابت فؤاد ثابت المنصوري الذي خطف جزيرة البحارة إلى أرض المملكة العربية السعودية ، 2017 ، YemenExtra
Fouad Thabet Fouad Thabet Al Mansouri, who kidnapped the island of Bahaina to the land of Saudi Arabia
Earlier, some pictures were distributed to her uncle with a banner calling on international organizations to release Bitya and his family from the kidnapping
عم بوحينة عندما دعا المنظمات الدولية إلى إطلاق سراح بُثيا وعائلته من الاختطاف
When Bouhaina called for international organizations to release Bethya and his family from the kidnapping, 2017


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