Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Why didn’t the International Community Pay Attention to the Aggression against Yemen?

Report : Mohammed Al Deilami 

Yemeni Journalist


Reports come from beyond the ocean indicate that the international community has not paid attention to the war, and the continued aggression on Yemen by Saudi Arabia and its allied countries, for almost three years, compared to the wars in the Middle East ,as a result of the lack of interests of those countries with poor Yemen compared to the Gulf countries with oil wealth.

The aggression against Yemen was, according to the estimates of many neutral political analysts, due to the  American domination of the world, and the planning sponsored by the neo-conservatives and implemented by the so-called idiots exploited by the rulers of the Gulf, who are not excluded in accordance with that plan to be the same target of the recent wars in the region to form a new Middle East.

According to Khoan Cole, a university professor of history at the Richard B. Smith Academy. Mitchell, director of the Center for Middle East and North African Studies at the University of Michigan: “The  war against Yemen is one of the concerns that led to the current crisis in the six-nation Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which includes six countries.While Qatar has never agreed to large-scale military intervention, but has urged negotiations with the Huthis.”

Khoan noted in his published report that” Qatar has never committed to provide combat forces inside Yemen, whereas it sent only a symbolic force to help guard the Saudi border.” When the Saudi King identified as the butcher Salman and the closest three Gulf allies in Qatar in June cut ties with Qatar, the ruler of the small emirate, Sheikh Tamim al-Thani, withdrew his troops from the entire Saudi border area, which smetimes witnessed fighting and raids, where thousands of Saudi soldiers have been killed in an attack by the Yemeni joint forces since the begging of the  war, while Qatari force was only a symbolic force because its  population estimate only 300,000 citizens, in addition to a small and weak-trained army .

Foreign ministers from a Saudi-led bloc of countries meet in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, on July 5, 2017, to discuss the Persian Gulf diplomatic crisis with Qatar. (Photo by AFP)
Foreign ministers from a Saudi-led bloc of countries meet in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, on July 5, 2017, to discuss the Persian Gulf diplomatic crisis with Qatar. (Photo by AFP)

But  Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates wanted much more to satisfy the greed of the American shepherd in the region. Despite all the tragedies caused by the Saudi-led coalition on Yemen, the conscience of the world did not interact with the daily massacres against civilians.

However, they inspired the painter Pablo Picasso to paint his most famous fresco of a bereaved mother, carrying a dead child, who was driven crazy after a horrific massacre in the early days of World War I.

He added that “What struck me was how our international conscience became taught since hundreds of massacres took place monthly in Yemen, and It seems that even users of Reddit site don’t care about it.”  “The coalition led by the “Kingdom of Evil” in the Arabian Peninsula hit the civilian facilities – schools, hospitals and major bridges used in food transport and in all areas of northern Yemen.

The air strikes backed by the US military logistically and strategically, in addition,have turned  the old Sana’a, a UNESCO World Heritage site, resembling ginger houses that characterize the country, to rubble. While the Saudi crimes were mainly from the air ,whereas  their ally, the UAE, organized combat units from the elite of southern Yemen from the separatist movement, loyal to Mansur Hadi.


It is worthy mentioned that the Saudi-led coalition has put 27 million people in Yemen at the risk of  the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, forcing about 3 million flee their homes . The majority of the country, 17 million people, barely have enough food to survive, and 7 million of them are at high risk of hunger if one more mistake occurs. UNICEF, for its part, estimates that 10 million children are deprived of basic medical care from drinking water, sanitation and education.


Thousands of people were killed in this war, and this spring a new knight of the Knights of the Apocalypse appeared in the form of cholera. The Knights of Revelation are four knights who are mentioned in the sixth chapter of the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible, the Knights of Conflict, War, Famine, and Death.

More than 200,000 people have been also  infected with the disease, and 5,000 cases are reported every week. Nearly two thousands people have died from the disease caused by drinking unclean water. The health-care infrastructure in the country has collapsed, whereas 30,000 government health workers suffer from unpaid wages.

The humanitarian disaster has attracted some international intervention .Thus, Russia has recently sent cargo planes ,to Sana’a, loaded with aid and Russian nationals who want to flee the country (the capital’s international airport is now out of service by sending supplies to the north. Russia  has also implicitly criticized Saudi Arabia’s over  all-out war strategy, which is aimed at hurting civilians so badly that they will revolt against their Huthi rulers.

A promotional photo released by Riyadh showing some 200 kilometers of Saudi’s western coastline that is due to be turned into tourist attractions.   

Furthermore, Turkey has sent a medical aid ship, which will land in Aden in the south, after facing difficulty to have permission from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to land  there. Meanwhile ,the  United States is heavily involved in the Saudi war, whereas the Pentagon seems to have bought the propaganda line in Riyadh as an attempt to contain Iran.

As the United States continues its war with drones against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which has safe places in some Yemeni cities. But US interest in the looming disaster in Yemen is lukewarm, and Trump wants to decrease the humanitarian budget significantly.

Hadi is for sure  more happy to live in a well-funded welfare from Riyadh than to live in Aden where the situation is unstable .For instance, they have little in using their own money to buy stocks, although Hadi’s allies are said to benefit from monopolies over fuel supplies to Aden, one of the few cities they nominally control. The Yemenis are certainly masters of coexistence with the resources available to them. The war has only slightly thwarted their ability to innovate .For example,  residents say the city of Sana’a, the capital, now has a green energy supply in the world where much electricity is generated by solar panels. The country has almost everything except foreign currency.

However, Yemeni business networks have been able to obtain an effective transfer or an informal money transfer system that allows expatriates to send money home for a fee. Meantime, the sick old king is likely to be replaced soon by the polytheist, Mohammed bin Salman, who is considered an instigator of wars, as his current foreign policy as defense minister and deputy minister of state has shown to Yemen, Iran and Qatar.

While the king who suffers from both dementia by age or Alzheimer’s is spending holiday for more than a month in Morocco, the Crown Prince is free to act extremely. There are stormy problems within the royal family, especially since the kingdom should have been ruled by the old king, the nephew of the king, who served as interior minister until June 20, Mohammed bin Nayef.

Unlike Muhammad ibn Salman , whose acts are influenced by Western-style. Morever, the New testament was taught only Islamic law at King Saud University .

For this reason, if  he rules the kingdom, it can be assumed that the country, in the midst of the difficulty of reform, will once again turn strongly to the rule of Wahhabi clerics, through oppressing the oppositions (liberals and Shias  …) and, in turn ,foreign policy conflicts will also increase .

There is no doubt that giving the extremist war prompter the throne will be as a  ticking bomb in the Middle East.

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