Civil society of Development and Freedoms

US-Saudi Coalition Prevents UN “Maintenance” Team from Reaching Safir Oil Tanker

US-Saudi Coalition countries are trying to use all illegal extortionist methods to pressure Sana’a to make concessions. Informed sources in the Hodeidah governorate told Yemen Press Agency that the team of the coalition countries, in the joint committee to monitor the ceasefire, informed the UN Supervisory Committee their refusal to allow the UN technical team, to inspect Safir tanker in Ras Issa port, in the Western coast.

The sources pointed out that the coalition alleged that the Army and Popular Committees do not implement Stockholm agreement, using those allegations as a justification for not allowing the technicians of the United Nations to access the oil tanker Safir.

The Government of Sana’a had launched several distress calls since the beginning of the war, in order to maintain Safir tanker, to avoid the potential disaster of its explosion. However, the United Nations did not respond to those calls until last August, by sending a technical team to assess the status of tanker. Despite the late UN response, the Safir case has entered a new phase of continued procrastination by the aggresion alliance, which controls the Red Sea.

It is worth mentioning that the tanker “Safir” contains more than a million and 147 thousand barrels of crude oil, and has not received any maintenance for nearly five years.

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