Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Resentment of UN Ignoring Siege of Sana’a International Airport

Officials expressed resentment at the United Nations ignoring the continued US-Saudi siege on Sana’a Airport and turning its back on the thousands. “Three years ago the airport was closed and we are in this way in organizing and conducting nation flights at a rate of three to four flights a day,” Abdullah al-Hamdani, head of Sana’a airport’s air traffic control.

He added, “we have not seen during the three years of the air embargo on the airport any humanitarian or civilian flight despite the need for thousands of patients and critical cases to travel abroad.” For his part, the deputy head of the air traffic control at Sana’a Airport Asaad al-Eryani expressed his regret that the airport’s tasks are limited to the conduct of international flights in light of the urgent need for thousands of patients from our people for medical flights, pointing out that “we have not received since the closure of the airport on the 9th of August 2016 no private aircraft for commercial or civil flights and the airport became exclusive to United Nations aircraft. ”

Al-Eryani stressed the readiness of the airport to receive various flights at the highest levels and in accordance with international standards and we have qualified cadres within the control team and staff.

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