Civil society of Development and Freedoms

SPC Member rejects WFP’s corruption, reveals coalition intentions to attack Hodeidah

Member of the Supreme Political Council (SPC) Mohammed Ali al-Houthi has rejected the participation of the World Food Program provision of rotten relief aid or in actions that go against the laws and sovereignty of the Republic of Yemen.

We welcome Partnership on the right and basic foundations and proper procedures, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi said.

“We tell the organizations to replace your rotten food aid in cash and we are with the mechanism that secure real control according to the law,” al-Houthi wrote on Twitter on Monday, referring to the World Food Program.

“The executive director of the WFP should listen carefully well to what he rejects about the rotten food,” he said, commenting on the repeated facts of the World Food Program’s supplies Corrupt aid to Yemen.

He confirmed the rejection of this corruption and nonacceptance of corrupt or expired assistance.

“Justice does not allow the purchase of rotten food and we are with the right and transparent procedures, which is not against the laws of the Republic of Yemen,” he added, referring to the insistence of the Food Program on collecting specific data and information.

He indicated that the statements of the World Food Program are “an attempt to cover up the corruption of its aid”.

“The statements and fabrication that are being made in order to decorate the image of the countries of aggression, forgetting the cause of the famine they are making,” he said.

Al-Houthi revealed a military plan for the coalition countries led by “Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates” and direct support from The US and Britain, targeting Hodeidah province in the coming days.

He concluded: “The enemy is planning to attack again on Hodeidah in the coming days.”


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