Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Lolisgaard urges coalition-backed Govt to implement first phase of redeployment in Hodeidah

Danish general Michael Lollesgaard, head of the UN Monitoring Committee on the Implementation of the Hodeidah Agreement, has issued a statement on Sunday, saying “the first day of the redeployment of the forces of Ansarullah from the three ports of Hodeidah, has proceeded according to plans.”

The redeployment “took place at the same time, under the supervision of UN teams, and the Coast Guard took responsibility for security in those ports,” he said.

“This step should be seen as the first part of the agreed concept of the first phase of the redeployment in Hodeidah in accordance with the Stockholm Agreement,” the Chairman of the UN committee overseeing the implementation of the agreement added.

He urged the exiled Hadi’s government to implement its part of the implementation of the agreement “as soon as the United Nations asks it to do so.”

It is worth mentioning that the exiled Hadi government has met the redeployment step implemented of the Sana’a side with much suspicion and has even accused to the United Nations, which praised the redeployment initiative, of supporting Ansarullah.

The Stockholm peace agreement has so far not been carried out in any way by the Saudi invaders or the Hadi puppet government, leaving the National Salvation Government the only side to take up its responsibilities towards peace.

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