Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Saudi-Led Coalition Rapes Needy People


Many of irregular migrants, predominantly Ethiopians, arrive in the south of the country, “creating an acute humanitarian situation,” the UN migration agency said on Friday, Reuters reports.

They arrived in Aden and the neighbouring province of Lahj, which under the control of  the United Arab Emirates,main part of the Saudi-led coalition.

Reports of international organizations have talked about the exposure of African migrants to inhumane treatment such as murder and rape by Saudi-led coalition forces in the occupied southern areas of Yemen.

Thousands of migrants arrive in Yemen every year, mostly from the Horn of Africa, where as the coalition hire many from many nationalities to fight in Yemen in its favor.

Human Right Watch accused Bin Daghr’s authorities backed by the Saudi-led coalition and UAE forces of torturing and raping African refugees seeking political asylum in Yemen’s southern port city of Aden.

African migrants and asylum seekers in Yemen have been executed, raped and tortured in detention by UAE-backed forces in Aden, Human Rights Watch and the UN refugee agency UNHCR said in a statement.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) ,earlier ,said it had voluntarily deported 168 Ethiopian immigrants from Yemen through Sanaa International Airport.

“The organization was able to evacuate 168 irregular migrants on a voluntary basis to Ethiopia via Sanaa airport,” Anatolia news agency quoted Saba’ al-Mua’lemi, media and liaison officer of IOM in Yemen, as saying.

“About 170 other Ethiopian immigrants will leave the airport itself on Wednesday,” al-Mua’lemi said. She explained that this is the first air evacuation of Ethiopian immigrants from Yemen in 2019.

Last December, the IOM reported the arrival of some 150,000 refugees from the Horn of Africa to Yemen in 2018.

In March 2015, the US -backed –Saudi-led coalition started  a war against Yemen with the declared aim of crushing the Houthi Ansarullah movement, who had taken over from the staunch Riyadh ally and fugitive former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi, while also seeking to secure the Saudi border with its southern neighbor. Three years and over 600,000 dead and injured Yemeni people and  prevented the patients from travelling abroad for treatment and blocked the entry of medicine into the war-torn country, the war has yielded little to that effect.

Despite the coalition claims that it is bombing the positions of the Ansarullah fighters, Saudi bombers are flattening residential areas and civilian infrastructures.

However, Saudi Arabia relies heavily on the US in its brutal war on Yemen. Washington has deployed a commando force on the Arab kingdom’s border with Yemen to help destroy arms belonging to Yemen’s popular Houthi Ansarullah movement. Washington has also provided logistical support and aerial refueling.

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