Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Billions Of Dollars Are The Losses Of The Electricity Sector After Four Years Of Aggression On Yemen

The Ministry of Electricity and Energy revealed the direct and indirect financial losses of the General Electricity Corporation’s assets as a result of the US-Saudi aggression that has been going for over four years, amounts to be approximately 4 billion and 668 million and 452 thousand dollars.

According to a report issued by the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, the direct losses of the electricity sector due to the Saudi aggression is two billion and 668 million and 452 thousand dollars, while the indirect losses are estimated to be two billion dollars.

The report pointed out that the losses of the Generating sector in the Electricity Corporation amounted to 31 million and 541 thousand dollars, which is from the Mukha steam station that has cost losses of $ 15 million and the plant Azifra $ 16 million 541 thousand dollars.

The report noted that the initial losses in the transport sector and transfer stations 400l132l33Lkv as a result of the aggression amounted to 61 million and 757 thousand dollars, which was distributed as follows: -Sanaa $ 14 million and 131 thousand dollars, and the transport system -Marib $ 25 million and 245 thousand dollars.

In addition, the losses in the transport sector and transfer stations in Taiz amounted to be three million and 942 thousand dollars,- the Mukha is three million and 297 thousand dollars, – Tihama is two million and 982 thousand dollars -Aden is 120 million dollars.

The report attributed the losses in the transport sector and transfer stations to other technical damages estimated at five million and 454 thousand dollars, along with spare parts required to carry out the maintenance work, resulting in five million and 585 thousand dollars of losses.

In the distribution sector, the report pointed out that the initial losses amounted to 295 million and 23 thousand dollars, while the losses of the secondary city sector in the Ministry of Electricity and Energy 30 million and 350 thousand dollars.

The report detailed the preliminary estimated loss of damage in the distribution sector in the Sanaa capital electricity, including damage to the air network in its different sizes, as well as the damage of distribution transformers and wooden poles, amounting to $ 2,553,900, while the Aden Governorate electricity area amounted to be $ 3,917,720.

It also included damage in the distribution sector, wherein Taiz province, the damage of transformers, distribution and transport networks was estimated at 130 million and 481 thousand and 732 dollars, Hodeidah province at 61 million and 244 thousand and 366 dollars, Dhamar province at two million and 673 thousand and 139 dollars and the province of Ibb at 18 thousand and 942 dollars and the Dhale losses regarding the electricity sector at $ 1.3 million and 971 dollars.

The preliminary losses of damage to the electricity in Yemen’s Yarim estimated at 18 million, 513 thousand dollars, 420 dollars and Sa’ada province at 40 million, 950 thousand dollars, 120 dollars, the province of the Bayda at 35 million dollars, 750 thousand dollars and 327 dollars, and the province of Rimah at 45 thousand and 115 dollars.

This post originally ran on Yamanyoon

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