Repatriation of 136 African migrants
The Immigration, Passports and Nationality Authority, in cooperation and coordination with IOM, repatriated on Tuesday136 illegal migrants from the Horn of Africa region to their countries via Sana’a International Airport.
The Director-General of Follow-up and Deportation in the immigration authority Colonel Hussein al-Kibsi said that the repatriation of illegal immigrants from the shelter centre in the immigration authority in the capital, Sana’a, to their countries in accordance with applicable international conventions.
Noting the high numbers of illegal immigrants arriving in Yemen, especially by sea and by illegal routes, the authority in coordination with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), is transporting them by air to secure their safe return to their countries.
Colonel Al-Kibsi stated that, in agreement with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), voluntary return was announced across communities to organize deportations, Some 500 persons had come forward, indicating that this was the second flight to return illegal immigrants, and there was coordination of other trips.
The illegal presence of immigrants in our country may increase the level of crime their presence in residential areas without any documentation poses a security risk.