Civil society of Development and Freedoms

Yemen Airways Confirms Non-Recognition of Any Representative Not Operating from Sana’a

The management of Yemen Airways, headquartered in Sana’a, confirmed that it does not recognize any board of the company that does not operate from the capital, Sana’a.

“Any management of the company that does not carry out its work and tasks from the headquarters in Sana’a is considered illegal and any decisions made by it are invalid, as this contravenes the laws, agreements, and charters establishing the company,” the company said in a statement on Sunday.

The statement emphasized that the actual management of Yemen Airways is based in the main headquarters in the capital, Sana’a, which deals with all governorates impartially and with complete professionalism without discrimination.

It clarified that Yemen Airways enjoys full sovereignty, not subject to any party, faction, or regionalism, and does not receive external dictates or directives as is the case in Aden and the provinces occupied by the Saudi-led coalition and its tools.

The management of Yemen Airways also confirmed that the company belongs to the Yemeni people from Socotra to Sa’adah and provides civil aviation services to every Yemeni citizen.

It indicated that the main headquarters in Sana’a disburses salaries for employees, pilots, and flight attendants, and covers all operational expenses, debunking the lies and fabrications of the coalition tools in Aden.

The statement pointed out that the company has an aircraft maintenance center at Sana’a International Airport, managed by highly skilled Yemeni technical engineering staff renowned for their competence, integrity, and extensive experience in aircraft maintenance.

It noted that the coalition tools in Aden carry out aircraft maintenance at external centers at exorbitant costs, as well as purchase used aircraft that do not meet specifications and standards, contrary to the company’s laws and its establishment.

“The corruption of the coalition tools in Aden has surpassed imagination and reason, as they execute the directives of the Saudi-led coalition for personal purposes to illegitimately gain the company’s money, evidenced by the frequent technical failures in the engines and other components of the aircraft they purchase, requiring maintenance at external centers,” the statement said.

It highlighted that there is corruption by the coalition tools in Aden in many suspicious deals in the field of civil aviation, which will be revealed at the appropriate time.

The statement came after Yemen Airways management in Aden, which is under US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries, issued a decision to transfer sales revenue accounts from Sana’a and to shut down the ticket issuance system for Sana’a. This comes as the Ministry of Transport in Sana’a announced corrective measures, including rescheduling flights and maintaining all the planes there.

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