Civil society of Development and Freedoms

UAE-Saudi Occupied Marib City Witnesses Fuel Crisis

The UAE-Saudi occupied Marib city is witnessing a fuel crisis, as long queues of cars were seen in front of gas stations.

According to Saba agency, a local source explained that the fuel crisis in the city comes as officials and leaders in Saudi-backed government are selling the quantities produced from the Safer fields designated for official stations on the black market to reap profits at the expense of the suffering of citizens in the city and Wadi districts.

The source indicated that the US-Saudi mercenaries had deprived the citizens in the liberated 11 districts of their shares of fuel produced from Safer, as Saudi-backed leaders sell the quantities on the black market.

The source confirmed the widespread of popular discontent in the governorate’s regions against corruption and the looting of the oil wealth by the US-Saudi mercenaries, depriving citizens of benefiting from it.

The Ministry of Oil in Sana’a had revealed that the US-Saudi mercenaries looted about $165 million per month of Yemen oil revenues, in a systematic looting operation aimed at the suffering of the Yemeni people due to lack of their oil wealth.

The southern governorates witnessed the highest level of crimes and violations. The annual report issued by the Media Center for the Southern Governorates stated that it had documented 1259 crimes and serious violations during the past year, including 159 assassinations as a result of the conflict between the militia of the Southern Transitional.

The report indicated that the center monitored 82 home raids in Aden and Shabwa governorates. Kidnappings have escalated, in Aden, Abyan, Shabwa and Lahj 67 crimes were committed affecting military commanders, civilian leaders and citizens, including party leaders, workers, women and children.

The crimes of clashes in the governorates of Aden, Lahj, Al-Dhalea, Abyan and Shabwa increased to 265 crimes due to insecurity and the proliferation of militias and armed groups loyal to the countries of the coalition.

Occupied southern governorates are witnessing a tragic situation, high crime levels, currency deterioration, and rising prices. They have witnessed protests and sit-ins during the last period, due to the worsening humanitarian and economic conditions.

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